Backyard Wedding

So what happens when you are planning your wedding and then the world is shut down and quarantined? You have the sweetest backyard wedding ever. I know it was not what the couple wanted, but it was a beautiful day and it turned out amazing. The brides dad even was able to make the little trellis, and they already had some decor that would have been used at the planned wedding. They will be having the reception with friends and family later this summer. Congratulations to this sweet couple. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!

Bus Graveyard Senior Session

Doing this shoot was so much fun…and interesting. I had never even heard of the School Bus Graveyard – this place is amazing. Artists come from all over the world to “decorate” a bus, and I think they even have festivals here. We weren’t able to go inside because of vandalism, so we used the bus line that was serving as a fence or border to the property. That was a little bit of a challenge because that is not what I had seen on the website, so I had to quickly figure out how to make this long line of buses work. It was also unusually hot this day, and windy, …AND was the day before the state-wide shelter in place order from the state. We had been home several weeks, so it was so nice to get out of the house and have a purpose. We shot at Jaemor Farms for the pictures with the black dress.

Teenagers will often say “I don’t know how to pose” or “I don’t know what to do.” Bella needed very little coaching. I just wanted her to be herself. I’ve known Bella for a long time – she was one of my fourth grade students (making this so much more special) and she has played softball with my daughter for years. She is smart, and funny, and a leader at school and I know she will do great things in the future!